Hi everyone, sorry about the sparseness, now the sun is shining it's all a bit busy -
housecleaning, day out with friend (smashing and v v funny), actually hanging washing on clothesline, lots of crochet (tho need to settle on definite projects and stop 'fannying about') etc etc.. you know the routine lol!
I am pleased to say the darkness has lifted quite a bit and I am trying to push away the repetitive negative thoughts, go me!
I will try to get into the habit of posting regularly and learn how to 'pretty up' my page.
See you later...
PS I read a lot of blogs and enjoy them immensely, occasionally I even comment, I will try to find the time to learn how to 'follow' and put my head above the parapet more.
Good to know that the darkness is lifting. To follow blogs you just need to add the subscription to your Google Reader.